Real Fit

Rabbi Jessica Marshall: "I'm just so much happier when I'm living in my heart" | ep. 41

Pam Moore / Rabbi Jessica Kessler Marshall Episode 41

On this episode, Rabbi Jessica Kessler Marshall and I discussed all the good stuff — including her love of cycling and snacks, the power of nature, the importance of ritual, and what happens when she tunes into her heart. 

Jessica is a cyclist, a hiker, and a general lover of the outdoors. She’s also a rabbi with a passion for writing, creating, and helping others to inject rituals into their routines, which we are definitely going to talk about as it pertains not just to spirituality but to everyday life and sport. 

As a rabbi, she moved away from a traditional role in a synagogue to forge a different kind of path that pulls from a variety of traditions and really highlights her many gifts. (Which I LOVE!!) 

As a spiritual leader and coach, she guides participants into deeper connection with Spirit by moving beyond intellect or logic, to access soul-wisdom so their path lights up with ease, vitality, abundance, and JOY! 

Championing spiritual inclusivity via creative rituals, intentional reflections, mindfulness practices, and the wisdom of the natural world, Jessica guides with humor, authenticity, and Divine presence.

This one is a must-listen for anyone who wants to create more joy and meaning in their life. 

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Podcast- Sacred Stories

In this episode, we talk about…

  • Jessica’s relationship with food; why Weight Watchers was so attractive to her at a tumultuous time in her life and how she let go of food rules. 
  • The week-long Hazon cycling trip in Israel that was her intro to road biking
  • Her passion for open faced nut butter and jelly sandwiches
  • The bike ride she was on when she knew she had to quit her job and move to a different state. 
  • Leaving a dream position as a congregational rabbi to work for herself in a non-traditional role.   
  • The one thing Jessica can rely on to supercharge the growth of her business
  • Setting boundaries as an entrepreneur
  • Why rituals matter and how anyone can imbue their life with more of them. 

For full episode details CLICK HERE

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